What to Expect from a Keratin Treatment


Have you been wanting a keratin treatment or a Brazilian blowout? Wondering what to expect and the after care?

I have wavy hair with a lot of frizz making it a challenge to blow dry. This is what a blowout looks like after my keratin treatment.

I can style my hair in half the time and it stays frizz free!

A Brazilian blowout can be washed immediately, a keratin treatment needs to sit for 48 hours so no washing or getting it wet in any way including sweating. I personally think the keratin treatment is a little stronger so I prefer it on my hair. I offer both services though because not everyone likes the downtime.

At home you want to maintain it with a sulfate free shampoo and make sure there is no sodium chloride in the ingredients. This will break down the keratin and eventually completely remove it from your hair.

Here are some safe options I recommend and other products for home

For my Croc dryer use code ALISSA25 for 25% off


Both treatments last about 3 months making styling easier and providing amazing shine! I literally couldn’t live without one!

Happy styling Xx